Fertility, Infertility - be lead by your dreams

Monday Musing

My post this week was about making sure you are clear on your purpose, and keeping that insight.

When I saw this quote it made me think of this. I don’t know about you but I have spent long periods of time while TTC focusing on what is wrong with me.

Don’t get me wrong I think its important to know if there are things you need to overcome and how to do that. However, it can be too easy to get caught up in the problems, and often how invasive or hard the solutions are.

If you are like me you have times where you sit there and weigh up all you have to do – without any guarantee of success! It can be totally overwhelming!

I’ve definitely had moments where I have found myself being nudged along – pushed ahead by these “problems” – feeling very much either the victim or martyr of my infertility.

I know from experience that I feel so much better about what is in front of me when I have taken the time to stay clear on my purpose for all this.  To do this I reconnect with my vision of pregnancy, motherhood, and assess what my options are.

In this place I can honestly ask myself what is a choice or step I feel comfortable with taking to get there? I feel empowered and excited rather than terrified and doubtful!

So here’s to being led by our dreams, and choosing to let our “problems” just become stepping stones to getting there!

Have a great week everyone!


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